Been back from my holiday trip for a while, but literally two days after I went back to school. It's been about two weeks now, and a lot has happened, but the most noteworthy thing to me is how much my following has increased in the time I've been inactive. I've gotten so many follows in so little time since the Tumblr exodus, and my art has been well-received in so many communities... honestly, I'm overwhelmed! It's such an encouraging feel; I've never felt like this before, and right now I want nothing more than pump out as much art as I can as often as I can!
Realistically, though, 'often' won't mean 'everyday', as this isn't something I can dedicate to full-tim and I still have other responsibilities to tend to, but this is a new start, and it's been great so far. I wanna thank every single person who's following me, as it's thanks to you that I've been able to reaffirm that this is what I wanna dedicate myself to; and those of you who didn't follow but still offered feedback? You guys are great, too.
Here's to a year with plentiful content and self-improvement! Shadow signing off!